Um Esquema de Agregação para Economia de Energia em Descoberta de Serviços para MANETs
Janine Kniess, Orlando Loques, Célio V. N. Albuquerque
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.150
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: Selection Service Data Fusion Fault-Tolerance.
This work proposes a service discovery protocol based on localization to MANETs. This protocol proposes a service selection mechanism with data fusion that dynamically selects the best resource providers during the reply transmissions in order to reduce the energy consumption and improve the network lifetime. Another issue addressed in this work is a fault-tolerant service discovery mechanism based on localization that explore redundancy to guarantee the delivery of packets in MANETs.Download