Análise de Desempenho de Protocolos Multicaminho para Vı́deo Streaming em Tempo Real
Guilherme Fernandes de Souza Miguel, Carlos Alexandre Gouvea da Silva, Carlos Marcelo Pedroso, Eduardo Parente Ribeiro
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2017.80
Evento: XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2017)
Keywords: Multihoming multipath video streaming
The mobile devices technological evolution and the increased availability of IP (Internet Protocol) networks, created new opportunities for multimedia content distribution over Internet. Real-time applications require high quality service and are not tolerant to mean packet delay above 200ms, delay variations and throughtput reduction. The use the multipath protocols in real-time video streaming presents several advan- tages, leading to a better quality and network resilience. This paper presents a study on performance of high definition video streaming, using multipath transport protocols, comparing the Stream Control Transfer Protocol (SCTP), Concurrent Multipaht Transfer (CMT), and a path selection technique based on the lower path delay called delay centric.Download