Uplink scheduling evaluation in D-MIMO networks
Samuel S Silva, Wilker de O Feitosa, Igor M. Guerreiro, Igor Braga Palhano

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2024.1571036840
Evento: XLII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2024)
Keywords: D-MIMO schedulers fairness
Distributed multiple-input multiple-output (D-MIMO) networks have been studied and developed due their ability to increase the coverage area and provide more uniform data rates. The scheduling algorithms are crucial for managing radio resources efficiently and ensuring a higher quality of service. This work then investigates the performance of three scheduling algorithms, each one with different selection criteria. The numerical results indicate that the enhanced subset greedy performs better than the other algorithms in terms of average sum rate for most access point arrangements; however, it has lower fairness than the other schedulers.
