Seleção de Relays para o Enlace Reverso de Redes Cooperativas Utilizando SC-FDMA com Restrições de Adjacência
Leonardo Paiva, Iran M. B. Júnior, F. Rafael M. Lima, Tarcı́sio F. Maciel, F. Rodrigo P. Cavalcanti
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2017.71
Evento: XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2017)
Keywords: Cooperative Networks SC-FDMA Radio Re- source Allocation LTE MILP
In this article we study relay selection and resource allocation in a cooperative network that employs SC-FDMA (Sin- gle Carrier - Frequency Division Multiple Access) in the uplink direction such as in LTE (Long Term Evolution) system. With SC- FDMA, the frequency resources assigned to a transmitter should be adjacent in the frequency domain (adjacency constraint). We formulate the total data rate maximization problem as a non- linear combinatorial optimization problem. Through algebraic manipulations we managed to convert the original problem in a MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Problem) that can be optimally solved by standard computational solvers. Finally, we present a performance evaluation in order to better understand the impact of the main variables of the presented model on the system performance.Download