Cluster handover analysis for a single-user Cell-Free MIMO network
João Vitor de Oliveira Fraga, Igor Braga Palhano, Igor M. Guerreiro

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2024.1571036812
Evento: XLII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2024)
Keywords: Cell-Free network handover user-centric cluster
This paper addresses the handover dynamics of a moving user equipment in a typical user-centric cell-free network, with access points connected to a central processing unit and spread over a coverage area. The analysis is based on three different access point cluster strategies. We analyze the signal-tonoise ratio experienced by the user equipment during its mobility, and also the number of handover events, i.e., when the user equipment changes it as master access point. Simulation results indicate that a cluster with fewer access points performs almost as well as the extreme case of all access points serving user equipment.
