Análise Paramétrica de um Arranjo Linear com Direcionamento de Feixe no Campo Próximo
Wendria Cunha Silva, Joao Weyl Costa, Andre Mendes Cavalcante, Karlo Queiroz Costa

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2024.1571032697
Evento: XLII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2024)
Keywords: arranjo linear de dipolos tecnologia 6G no campo próximo Método dos Momentos
This paper presents a parametric analysis of a linear arrangement of dipoles for communication in the near-field region at a frequency of 28 GHz. Initially, the numerical simulation model and the near-field analysis method based on phase matching are described. Next, an analysis of the variation of the near field and the current excitation of the elements depending on the position and number of users is presented. The influence of the size of the arrangement on the degree of near-field confinement is also examined. The results show that the arrangement has potential applications for the next generations of mobile communications.
