Plataforma de Simulação de Sistemas de Comunicação Assistidas por RIS
Itallo Morais Beirigo Silva Sr., Carlos R. N. da Silva

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2024.1571027379
Evento: XLII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2024)
Keywords: Simulation Platform Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Bit Error Rate
Technological advancement demands constant improvements in data transmission quality and capacity. In this context, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces emerge as a significant innovation. RIS are a set of reflective plates positioned between transmitters and receivers, playing a crucial role in cutting-edge applications, such as 6G networks, aviation and spacecraft, and satellite management. In this work, software developed to simulate the probability of transmission bit error will be presented, with the possibility of varying the number of reflective plates and the fading environment. With this software, we can perform and visualize statistics to advance knowledge of RIS behavior, despite the important challenges that this advanced technology presents.
