Revolutionizing Patient Care: An Intelligent System for Supervision of Diuresis Measurement (ISSDm) Using the Internet of Things in Medical Devices
Fabrício Neitzke Ferreira, Gustavo Cunha Kneip, Adriel Leal Aires, Guilherme Duarte Ornel, Matheus da Silva Benites, Rodrigo Nuevo Lellis, Gill Velleda Gonzales, Sandro Silva Teixeira

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2023.1570923584
Evento: XLI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2023)
Keywords: Biomedicine Urine Collection IoT electromedical Medical Communication Systems
This work proposes the development of an autonomous, Intelligent System for Supervision of Diuresis Measurement (ISSDm) in medical devices to monitor patients. The system aims to minimize human interaction, allowing for the interpretation and dissemination of urine measurement information. By utilizing Electronic Instrumentation techniques and exploring IoT-based data communications, the ISSDm has the potential to provide autonomous and non-invasive electronic surveillance in monitoring urine accumulation in collection bags. This proposal introduces a new concept of remote sensing signal processing in medical devices, as revealed by the obtained results.
