Implementing Service Management and Orchestration for ORAN Software Community
Lucas M Matni Bezerra, Rebecca Almeida Aben-Athar, Cleverson Nahum, Ilan S Correa, Glauco Estácio Gonçalves, Silvia Lins, Aldebaro Klautau

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2023.1570923577
Evento: XLI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2023)
Keywords: Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) Network Efficiency Network Quality
This study analyzes the scalability constraints of System Management and Orchestration (SMO) in O-RAN SC, mainly focusing on the increase in RAM consumption correlated with the rising count of DU/RU. The analysis unveils a significant influence on RAM utilization, emphasizing the requirement for competent resource management in ORAN infrastructures. This research contributes to understanding SMO's behavior in ORAN networks by identifying potential constraints and prospective ar- eas for future exploration. The results offer pertinent information for network operators and developers in ORAN environments, underscoring the effects of SMO on network performance.
