Ultra low power water level transmission system using LoRaWAN technology
Vitória Jacomelli Baratella, Caio Tácito Borges da Costa, Danilo Spadoti, Anderson Guerra Almeida, Benedito C. da Silva
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2023.1570917497
Evento: XLI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2023)
Keywords: LoraWAN Internet of Things Ultra Low Power
This work presents the development of a compact ultra low power data transmission device, using a commercial sensor with 4 to 20mA output to monitor water level of the Sapucaí river. The equipment was connected to a Chirpstack LoRaWAN network and integrated with Node-RED tools, storing the information in InfluxDB and displaying it on Grafana. The study demonstrates the feasibility of this IoT application using LoRaWAN network technology with a low consumption of energy, around 114mA during transmission and 3mA in sleep-mode, in addition to having a lower cost than solutions available on the market. Furthermore, by programming the device to transmit data packets every 60 seconds and powering the equipment with two 4.2V 10000mAh batteries, the study predicts that the system will operate for approximately 4 months.Download