Avaliação de Acurácia e Validação do Método Generalizado de Lee para Canal sem Fio Genérico
José Marcos Leal Barbosa Filho, Álvaro A. M. de Medeiros, Marcio E. C. Rodrigues, Vicente Sousa
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2023.1570916788
Evento: XLI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2023)
Keywords: Local Average Power Estimation Fading Narrow-band Wireless Channel
This work presents the accuracy evaluation and validation of the Generalized Lee Method (GLM) for different narrow-band wireless channels. The method uses moving average and defines parameters to separate the small and large-scale fadings of a channel. To measure its accuracy and validate it, a channel simulator with known fading was implemented, configured with different parameters and distribution curves (Nakagami-m, Weibull, Rice, Rayleigh) and the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) was calculated in relation to the fades obtained using the GLM. The results and analyzes attest to the good performance of GLM in the characterization of generic channels and show the relationship between the channel characteristics and the size of the local average power interval of the signal.Download