Physical Layer Network Slicing for eMBB and mMTC with Distributed Power Allocation
Luiz Eduardo Hupalo, Richard Demo Souza, João Luiz Rebelatto
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2023.1570908339
Evento: XLI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2023)
Keywords: Beyond 5G eMBB mMTC Network slicing
This work addresses the network slicing of radio resources between enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and massive machine-type communication (mMTC) services, considering both heterogeneous orthogonal multiple access (H-OMA) and heterogeneous non-orthogonal multiple access (H-NOMA). For increasing the number of supported active mMTC devices, we adapt the transmission power of these devices in a decentralized fashion. The results indicate that the number of supported mMTC devices can be increased by up to 40% under H-NOMA, and that such gain achieves up to 60% in an orthogonal scenario.Download