Next Generation Switching Network Technologies: a Survey
Daniela Viera Cunha, Paulo Roberto Guardieiro

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2000.4140028
Evento: XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2000)
"New technologies based on Label Switching, recently proposed, have been developed as a result of various motives. These approaches represent the next generation switching networks. The most popular ones are the Cell Switching Router (CSR) from Toshiba, IP Switching from Ipsilon, Tag Switching from Cisco and Aggregate Route Based IP Switching (ARIS) from IBM. All of them are based on the switching mechanism called Label Swapping, but each implementation is quite different from the others. They all enable Network Service Providers to solve many of the issues that they struggle today. These issues include the explosive growth of the Internet and the requisite scalability of service provider networks, the ability to offer Quality of Service (QoS) to enable voice, video, and multimedia applications over IP, and to offer differentiated services such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). This paper aims to show some of the main characteristics of Label Switching, in addition, it presents a global view of all approaches mentioned above, differences and comparisons among their key aspects."
