QoS de serviços IPTV baseados em arquiteturas IMS
Marcos Paulo Carozza, Paulo Roberto de Lira Gondim
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.129
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: QoS IPTV IMS OPNET® Modeler
IPTV is a technology that has been developed over the last years and is gaining recognition worldwide as a viable alternative to offer audiovisual contents by telecommunications operators. IMS architecture is a framework developed to deliver IP-based multimedia services and the key to fixed-mobile convergence of next generation networks. This work aims to evaluate possibilities and limitations related to IPTV services based on the integration between IMS architecture and WiMAX wireless broadband access network. To this end, an integration architecture is considered and the OPNET® Modeler simulation tool is used, allowing to evaluate aspects of quality of service (QoS) such as delay, jitter and throughput. The results obtained in our simulations are compared with the Recommendation ITUT Y.1541 of International Telecommunication Union, which addresses the network performance objectives for IP-based services.Download