New Algorithms for Adaptive Antennas in DS-CDMA Communication Systems
Antônio R. R. de Matos, Adaildo G. D’Assunção, Laércio M. de Mendonça

DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.1022
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
"In this paper two new adaptive algorithms are presented: Multipath Least-Squares Despread Respread Multitarget Array (MLS-DRMTA) and Multipath Recursive Least-Squares (MRLS) algorithms, in order to improve the performance of adaptive antenna arrays in the presence of multipaths. It is shown from simulation that the diagrams radiation formed with the new algorithms developed points beams toward the directions of the entire desired signal arriving multipaths, while that one formed with LS-DRMTA and RLS points only a main beam in the direction of the multipath which is synchronized with the receiver. Thus the new algorithms are indicated to perform coherent combination of multipaths. In the simulations carried through in this work, the generated results are gotten through the use of adaptive antenna arrays situated in Stations of Radio Base (ERB) and destined to the reception of the signal of the users in DS-CDMA communication systems."
