Dynamic Coding Adaptation in a GPRS Network
Suzana de F. Dantas, Djamel H. Sadok
DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.975
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
Keywords: GPRS mobile communications coding schemes simulator Internet
"New TDMA overlay packet switching networks such as the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and its enhanced mode (EDGE \u2013 Enhanced Data Rate GPRS Evolution) are being deployed for data users. These standards define a number of coding schemes (CS) to be used in accordance with the prevailing radio environment conditions, i.e., interference, noise and packet loss. Firstly, this work presents a smart dynamic CS allocation technique. Throughout this study user throughput is analyzed. The results show traffic optimization, a lower packet loss, as well as an increase in system capacity."Download