UTRA FDD Simulator: A Rigorous Implementation of 3GPP Specifications
Ernesto L. Andrade Neto, Ailton A. Shinoda, Marcelo E. Pellenz, Michel D. Yacoub
DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.939
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
"In this paper we describe a rigorous implementation of an UTRA FDD simulator. The simulator strictly abides by the 3GPP standards implementing the detailed transmission chain. We analyze the results of a comprehensive simulation of the UTRA FDD downlink traffic channels. We evaluate the UTRA FDD performance under power control and multiple access interference. The reference channel model used for the simulations is entirely based on the COST 259 channel model and provides a realistic scenario for radio propagation. The simulator aims at being used as a test bed for new technologies based on the 3GPP standards. The results shown here provide an insight into how to assess the actual UTRA FDD data channels performance."Download