Experiment and Simulation on the Reduction of the Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Optoelectronic Switching Time
Cristiano M. Gallep, Evandro Conforti
DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.807
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
Keywords: semiconductor optical amplifier optical switching pre-pulse current injection
"A technique to reduce the Semiconductor Optical Amplifier electro-optic switching times is implement. The technique, called PISIC (pre-impulse-step injected current), presented a reduction of the SOA switching times from almost 2ns (simple-step current response) to little more than 200ps (step with pre-pulse response). Forecasts done through simulations, using optimized values of current step and pre-pulse, showed even a faster optical switch response, with switching time reduction to values around 10 ps."Download