Design of a Reliable Multicast Protocol Using HW/SW Codesign Based on Performance Optimization with Genetic Algorithms
Marcio N. Miranda, Ricardo N. B. Lima, Aloysio C. P. Pedroza, Antônio C. M. Filho
DOI: 10.14209/its.2002.275
Evento: 2002 International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2002)
"The design of a reliable multicast protocol using a methodology based on performance analysis techniques and genetic algorithms is presented. The main objective of this work is to find a faster implementation with lower costs from the HW/SW Codesign technique. The process requires a choice between the tasks to be implemented in hardware and those to be implemented in software, i.e., the selection of the best HW/SW partition. This methodology uses a genetic algorithm to optimize an error function defined by the required performance and the implementation cost of the protocol. The protocol performance is analyzed by a modelling environment called Tangram-II. The area of the hardware corresponding to a given implementation is calculated by the Synopsys tool. The methodology is intended as a tool to help protocol designers to select the best performance/cost compromise."Download