Trust Management for Survivable Communication on Self-Organized Wireless Networks
Pedro Velloso, Guy Pujolle, Eduardo Silva, Michele Nogueira
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.119
Evento: VII International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2010)
Self-organized wireless networks comprise different devices cooperating among themselves to provide network services. These networks support critical applications in different domains requesting simultaneously robustness, security and availability. Hence, it is essential to develop mechanisms for steering nodes’ cooperation in order to preserve essential network operations even in presence of intrusion, attacks or network failures. We propose a trust management framework whose goal is to guide node cooperation towards network survivability. Our framework evaluates node trustworthiness correlating adaptively criteria provided by node behavior, recommendations, security mechanisms and node attributes. Simulation results show improvements on network trustworthiness for different situationsDownload