Avaliação da Predição Objetiva da Inteligibilidade de Sinais Reverberantes e Ruidosos com Uso de Máscaras Acústicas
Rafael Martiny, Raoni Alcântara, Rosângela Coelho

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2022.1570823642
Evento: XL Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2022)
Keywords: Inteligibilidade Máscara acústica Não-estacionariedade
This article presents a study of the impact of noise and reverberation on speech intelligibility and quality. This evaluation includes the use of ideal masks IBM, IRM and IQM, and the blind masks BRM and BAM. The objective intelligibiliry measures ESII and STOI and quality measures PEAQ and PESQ are considered in the experiments. The impact of noise and reverberation on the speeech signal stationarity is also analyzed. The results show that the ideal masks are capable of improving the speech intelligibility and quality in the scenarios. In addition, blind masks were able to improve intelligibility and quality in several scenarios.
