Desenvolvimento de antenas de microfita de padrão elíptico e retangular em 28 GHz aplicadas ao 5G
Jose Bruno O. de Araújo, Vanessa P. R. Magri Souza, Tadeu N. Ferreira, Leni J. Matos
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2017.19
Evento: XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2017)
Keywords: 5G Printed antenna Microstrip antenna Insertion loss.
This paper presents the development, analyzis and comparison between elliptical and rectangular microstrip patch antennas in order to apply them to the 5th generation technology of wireless communication at the frequency of 28 GHz. The software High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) was used for the simulations and the performance was analysed over the gain, return loss, insertion loss and radiation pattern. The antennas were manufactured using RT/Duroid 5880LZ laminates with the lowest dielectric constant available, equals to 1.96. Measurements of return loss with the developed prototype show good adjustment to the simulated results, presenting 27.78 dB of return loss for the rectangular microstrip patch and 15.75 dB for the elliptical one, both around 28 GHz.Download