Microstrip Antennas Array with patch superconductor at High Temperature
Hugo Michel Câmara de Azevedo Maia, Humberto César Chaves Fernandes, Leonardo Martins Caetano, Marinaldo Pinheiro de Sousa Neto
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.12
Evento: VII International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2010)
Keywords: Temperature antenna microstrip superconductor patch antenna array linear
New results and the analysis of the resonance frequency and pattern fields of microstrip antennas array, with superconductor patch for different very high critical temperatures, are presented. The linear superconducting rectangular microstrip antennas array uses the new materials Sn5InBa4Ca2Cu10Oy at temperature of 212 K, conductivity of 1.88x105 S/m and Tl5Ba4Ca2Cu10Oy at temperature of 233 K with conductivity equal 2.0x105 S/m. The concise full wave Transverse Transmission Line (TTL) method, is used in the analysis. New results as functions of the temperature, and resonant frequency as functions of the various antenna parameters, for different superconductor are presented.Download