Ampliação de Ganho de Codificação em um Código EFEC BCH para Comunicações Ópticas
Diego Brito de Carvalho, Arley Henrique Salvador, Érico Nunes Ferreira Bastos, Luiz Juberto Rossi de Jesus, Max H. M. Cost
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2015.56
Evento: XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2015)
Keywords: Error Correcting Code BCH EFEC Recommendation ITU G.975.1 – Annex I.9 Optical Communication
Due to factors such as the growing number of internet-connected devices, the core of optical communication networks is suffering great increase in traffic. Therefore, studying alternatives that provide more capacity and robustness to these networks, including improved error correcting codes, is of fundamental importance. This paper presents data of an FPGA implementation of a BCH code derived from the channel code proposed in Annex I.9 of ITU-T Recommendation G.975.1 [1]. By increasing redundancy (parity) and by reorganizing frame structures, the new code produces a higher coding gain than the original code.Download