License Plate Detection System in Uncontrolled Environments using Super Resolution and a Simple Cell Phone Camera attached to a Bicycle Seat
Waldir Silva, Luiz Carlos da Silva Garcia Junior LGJ, Georgio S. Colares, José Elislande Breno de Souza Linhares, Anderson de Jesus, Frederico da Silva Pinagé
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2022.1570812767
Evento: XL Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2022)
In this paper, a low resolution Brazilian license plate detection system based on the TV-L1 bilateral superresolution method is proposed. The system is used in uncontrolled environments whose acquisition source is performed in motion to detect license plates using a point of view of a bicycle and a simple cell phone camera. The system is divided in: (i) super-resolution, in which the use of bilateral images from super-resolution videos TV-L1 was used to increase the spatial resolution of the designed database and; (ii) license plate detection, in which digital image processing techniques were used to convert the input image to grayscale and isolate the object of interest, through the morphological operation of closing and the algorithm of flood fill. As a result, the TV-L1 bilateral super-resolution method had an accuracy of 93%, making it a promising approach for future research.Download