A Web Based Inventory System for Telecommunication Networks
Manoel Camillo Penna, Osvaldo Doederlin Pinalli
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2004.133
Evento: XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2004)
Keywords: Telecommunication Inventory Telecommunication Management Network Network Management System.
Configuration of telecommunication network is a complex problem, and network management systems (NMS) are not able to address the emerging issues in a consistent way. The point is, the NMS of a particular vendor handles only its own network. Integration is necessary, providing a whole vision of the network. Although the problem has been addressed by commercial inventory systems, there is very little research work on the theme. Main telecommunication operators are handling the problem with big inventory projects, which are expensive and not afforded by smaller companies. In this paper we discuss an alternative solution that allows inventory creation and which has been applied to a local company in Brazil located at state of Paraná.Download