Residual MinHop versus MaxSum in All-Optical Networks
Luis G. Milla-Léon, Márcia Takahashi, Akebo Yamakami, Ivanil S. Bonatti
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2004.77
Evento: XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2004)
Keywords: Routing; Routing and Wavelength Assignment; WDM Networks
Connection routing in all-optical WDM networks is examined in this paper. The network is modeled by a graph whose nodes represent the optical switching equipment, with full wavelength conversion capacity, and links represent optical fibers. The problem of establishing point-to-point connections, with a given in advance demand (static case) and with the objective of minimize the number of blocked connections, was formulated as a multi-commodity flow problem, resulting in an integer linear programming problem. A heuristic based on the use of the recursive shortest path technique on the residual capacity of the network is proposed and compared with the optimal solution of the multi-commodity flow problem. The proposed algorithm was also applied to the dynamic case (probabilistic knowledge of demands) and evaluated through discrete event simulation. Average values and confidence intervals estimates were obtained with the Bootstrap method. The proposed technique was compared with the Max-Sum technique, which highlights in the specialized literature.Download