Analysis Switching and crosstalk of Soliton in inhomogeneous Dispersion Decreasing Fiber Couplers
A. Lima Junior, J. de Almeida, W. Braga, J. Menezes, Antonio Sombra, Marcio Silva
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2005.1067
Evento: XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2005)
Keywords: Optics Fiber nonlinear directional Couplers dispersion Solitons
We present a numerical investigation of the propagation and the switching of fundamental solitons in a twocore nonlinear fiber coupler constructed with dispersion decreasing fiber (DDF). In our simulations are taking into account simulations considering six different profiles, linear, hyperbolic, exponential, logarithm, constant and Gaussian. The transmission characteristics, the critical energy, the compression factor, the crosstalk (Xtalk) and extinction ratio levels (Xratio) of first order solitons were studied for low to high pump energies. . Twin core nonlinear directional couplers that include loss is also examined. The inclusion of loss results in the increase of the critical power of the coupler and broadening of the switched pulses, while the switching characteristics deteriorate. To compensate for this worse behavior, associate to the loss, we investigated the effect of the DDF profiles on the performance of the coupler. We have show that appropriate shaping of the DDF profile is quite effective to recover, almost completely, the original switching behavior associated to the lossless situation.Download