Fast Embedded 3D-Hadamard Color Video Codec
Vanessa Testoni, Max Costa

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2007.31222
Evento: XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2007)
Keywords: embedded coding Hadamard transform color video codec three-dimensional transform fast video codec
This article introduces a color video codec to be executed by a set-top box on a fiber optics network. Due to its purpose, the codec is focused on reduced execution time, low computational complexity and use of meager computacional resources. The very simple Hadamard transform is used in a three-dimensional fashion, avoiding motion estimation and compensation techniques. A new scan order is proposed for the coefficient's cubes reading. After the scan procedure, the encoding of the bits of the 3D-Hadamard coefficients is done, bit-plane-by-bit-plane, with an efficient adaptive version of Golomb's run-length encoder, which produces a fully embedded output bitstream.
