Avaliação da Transferência de Fluxos Multimídia em uma Rede em Malha Sem Fio
Dalbert Matos Mas arenhas, Felipe da Ro ha Henriques, Glau o Fiorott Amorim, Luis Carlos dos Santos Coutinho Retondaro
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.93
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: Appli ation lo ation mesh network
In this work, we evaluate the transfer of multimedia ows in a wireless mesh network. For this aim, an appli ation is used, and based on the IP address of a lient devi e, one an identify the subnet where it is inserted, and spe i ows are transmitted to it, based on the lo ation of this AP. In order to evaluate the network used, UDP and TCP ows are transmitted and metri s su h as the per entual pa kets loss, the throughput and the jitter are onsidered.Download