Uma Arquitetura para Auto-Organização em Redes em Malha Sem Fio
Lucas Guardalben, João Bosco Sobral, Clytia Tamashiro
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2007.30719
Evento: XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2007)
Keywords: wireles mesh networks self-organization agents
The problem of self-organization in wireless mesh networks is becoming important due to the growth in number of nodes in a network. The specific problem of manual configuration of individual nodes it has been either impossible or very expensive. In this work we propose an alternative architecture in wireless mesh network self-organized based on the Mobile Mesh Protocol and Agent technology to identify the main components involved towards the construction of a prototype. We present a formal specification of the architecture in Object-Z in order to provide a model in high level abstraction to show the applicability of the architecture.Download