Análise da Aplicação da Técnica de Trilateração em Redes de Sensores Wi-Fi Para Localização em Ambientes Indoor
Lucas Ferreira Mendes, Sidney J. Lima, Emanuel Coutinho
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2021.1570724218
Evento: XXXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2021)
Keywords: IPS Indoor Location Signal Trilateration Wi-Fi
Visually Impaired (VI) People face several difficulties in getting around, especially indoors. In this context, several indoor positioning techniques and technologies can be used to assist visually impaired. This paper presents an analysis of the application of the signal trilateration technique applied in a WiFi Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), using the signal reception intensity indicator (RSSI). As a result, an average error of 1.04m was obtained in an environment of 50m 2 and 2.08m in an environment of 180m 2, representing a low level of error, since no correction factor was applied.Download