Probabilidade de Erro de Bit em Sistemas de Comunicação Digital na Presença de Ruı́do Impulsivo Gaussiano Gatilhado
Évio da Rocha Araújo, Wamberto José de Lira Queiroz, Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.90
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: Impulsive noise GAWGN G 2 AWGN error pro- bability BPSK QPSK MPAM MPSK MQAM R-MQAM
This article presents a mathematical analysis of some models for the AWGN impulsive noise. The two main classes are the gated AWGN (GAWGN) and the gated gated AWGN (G 2 AWGN), and it is also assessed their influence on some systems of digital modulation. This assessment is made by the average probability of error bit and the equations are obtained from the average probability of bit error for digital communication systems BFSK, BPSK, QPSK, MPAM, MPSK, MQAM and R-MQAM.Download