A Brazilian Portuguese Speech Database
Carlos Ynoguti, Fábio Violaro
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2008.42398
Evento: XXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2008)
Keywords: speech database Brazilian Portuguese
The construction of large speech databases is generally only achieved with the cooperation among research centers, universities, private companies and the government. This is the model that the USA and countries of the European comunity use. In less resourced countries, like Brazil, such consortiums are not even mentioned, and the researchers have to work with small, locally developed databases. To face this problem, a corporative approach to develop a speech corpus for Brazilian Portuguese is proposed. In this approach, every researcher that is part of the project should contribute with some speakers. With contributors in various regions of the country, it should be possible to collect a reasonable number of speakers at a low cost, in a relatively short time. This article reports the database specification details and the current status of the work.Download