Uma Proposta de Roteamento Oportunístico Energeticamente Eficiente para Redes de Sensores sem Fio
Gunnar Fermino, Renato M. de Moraes

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661598
Evento: XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2020)
Keywords: Eficiência energética protocolo de roteamento redes de sensores sem fio RSSF
Routing protocols can become the villains of wasting energy in wireless sensor networks (RSSFs). The number of control packets sent and the lack of load balancing between routes can drain energy from nodes nearest the base station (BS). This work proposes a technique for selecting the next hop on the route, which considers the balance of energy consumption, transmission quality, and fault tolerance. For this, are considered the residual energy, the intensity of the received signal and the degree of connectivity of the neighbors in up to two hops away.
