Fiber-induced nonlinear limitation in 400-Gbps single-channel coherent optical interconnects
Ivan A Aldaya, Rômulo de Paula, Bruna Dias Pires de Souza, Lucas Marim, Lucio Borges, Julián Pita, Rafael Abrantes Penchel, Jose de Oliveira, Mrian Santos, Gretell Perez, Marcelo Abbade, Camila Costa

DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570661342
Evento: XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2020)
Keywords: Inter-datacenter communications Digital coherent optical systems Nonlinear phase noise
Coherent optical interconnects with up to 400-Gbps transmission rates and distances exceeding 80 km have been proposed to meet the increasing capacity demand of inter-datacenter communications. The interplay between the fiber Kerr effect and the receiver noise posses an upper-bound to the transmission distance. In this paper, we used numerical simulations to find the maximum achievable range of 400-Gbps unrepeated single-wavelength links with single and dual polarization. Simulations reveal that, for a forward error correction code limit of 10-3, the maximum distance is 145 km for dual-polarization, which can be used as a benchmark to assess the transmitter/receiver-induced penalties.
