Sobre a Parametrização do Dicionário de Bateman na Compressão de Sinais de Atividade Eletrodérmica via Decomposições Atômicas
Paulo M Lima, Michel Pompeu Tcheou, Lisandro Lovisolo
DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570654570
Evento: XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2020)
Keywords: Atividade Eletrodérmica Representação Esparsa Matching Pursuit Compressão de Sinais
The growth in the supply and use of wearable devices with embedded biomedical signal sensors, including electrodermal activity (EDA), requires and demands tools capable of representing and compressing them efficiently. The purpose includes measuring, storing and transmitting EDA signals from these devices, monitoring human body activity connectedly. In this work, considering the representation of biological phenomena in EDA signals, a lossy encoder based on atomic decomposition via Matching Pursuit with the Bateman's dictionary is studied. We investigate the adequate discretization of the parameters to compose a fixed dictionary and the respective allocation of bits that combine sparse representations and greater compactness.Download