Simulação e Caracterização Estatística de Canais de Desvanecimento do Tipo Fluctuating Two-Ray
Eduardo Gonçalves Gomes, Daniel P Mucin, Edgar Eduardo Benitez Olivo
DOI: 10.14209/SBRT.2020.1570648016
Evento: XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2020)
Keywords: comunicações mmWave Fluctuating Two-Ray canal de desvanecimento probabilidade de outage
In this work, a statistical characterization of the Fluctuating Two-Ray (FTR) fading channel model is performed in terms of the probability density function (PDF), and the performance of a point-to-point wireless communication system subject to this kind of fading is assessed in terms of the outage probability. The FTR model, recently proposed in the literature, is a generalized distribution that has received special attention, since it presents an excellent fitting to field measurements in a wide range of frequencies, including that of the millimeter waves. Through simulation routines, histograms for the FTR channel coefficient are generated, which are compared to the analytical expression of the PDF. The effect of fading on the system outage probability is evaluated through exhaustive Monte Carlo simulations as a function of the FTR model parameters.Download