Transmissor para Aplicações de Comunicação por Luz Vísivel com Modulação OOK-M-FSK
Ian Marson, Cassiano R Carneiro, Guilherme Marcio Soares, Pedro Almeida, Henrique A. C. Braga, Marlon Lucas Salmento
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2019.1570558977
Evento: XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2019)
This work presents an electronic circuit for driving LEDs from a dc bus, designed for visible light communication applications. The circuit was developed in order to allow for the luminaire luminous flux control and the transmission of data through the VLC (Visible Light Communication) technology simultaneously. In addition, the proposed topology has a simplified implementation, low component count and good current regulation, which has been attested through experimental results.Download