Visible Light V2V Cooperative Communication Under Environmental Interference
Diego Cuba, Samuel Mafra, Jorge Ricardo Mejía-Salazar, Samuel Montejo, Evelio M.G. Fernandez, Sandra Céspedes
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2019.1570558276
Evento: XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2019)
Robust, efficient, secure, and low-cost vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) visible light communication (VLC) protocols, with high transmission rates, are very appealing to alleviate high traffic and to diminish air pollution in high vehicle density environments. In contrast to radio frequency (RF) protocols, where a stable communication cannot be ensured in highly dense road scenarios, VLC has emerged as a revolutionary alternative for the control of road traffic and prevention of accidents. Although last years have witnessed an increasing interest in this subject, VLC is still considered to be in the early phase of research (with several drawbacks to be faced). In this paper is analyzed a cooperative dual-hop visible light network operating with half-duplex and full-duplex protocols in a scenario subject to environmental interference of other vehicle. In particular, we considered four vehicles being the source, the destination, a relay and a potential interferer. The system performance is evaluated considering the bit error rate (BER), and throughput metrics. The results show that the cooperative communication is an effective solution for scenarios where it is not possible a direct transmission between source and destination. Numerical results are compared for the cases with and without interferences in order to show the impacts of interference in the proposed cooperative VLC schemes.Download