Processamento Digital de Sinais Geofísicos
João Marcos T. Romano, Renato R. Lopes, Martin Tygel
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2011.154
Evento: XXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2011)
Keywords: Seismic Processing Blind Deconvolution Blind Source Separation
Several applications, such as exploration and monitoring of oil reserves, rely on some knowledge of properties of the subsurface. Estimating these properties is the main goal of seismic processing. Several seismic processing methods bear great resemblance to those traditionally used by the signal processing community. Recently, there is a clear trend in re-establishing the historically strong ties among these two communities. In this context, this work describes some methods of seismic processing, highlighting problems whose solution benefits, or may benefit, from signal processing techniques. Our main goal is to emphasize the synergy between these research areas, and to identify several research topics that are promising for both.Download