Estudo paramétrico de antena patch retangular com anel fendido
Francisco José Dantas de Oliveira, Idalmir de Souza Queiroz Júnior, Humberto Dionísio de Andrade, Bruno Rodrigues Fialho, Xisto Lucas Travassos Junior, Glauco Fontgalland

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2018.152
Evento: XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT2018)
Keywords: Rectangular patch antenna Ground plane truncation Parametrization Ring slot antenna
This article presents a rectangular patch antenna initially designed for the frequency of 5.8 GHz with truncated ground plane and a rectangular slot in the patch in order to verify the influences of these changes in antenna radiation behavior. The purpose is to parametrically analyze the effect of the change in ring widths as well as compare with a standard rectangular patch antenna. It was demonstrated that the frequency of operation, antennas bandwidth was altered and, in some cases, the antenna presented new resonant modes.
