A New Model for VoIP Traffic Generation
Carlos Ignacio de Mattos, Eduardo Parente Ribeiro, Carlos Marcelo Pedroso
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2010.4
Evento: VII International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS2010)
Keywords: Traffic Models Voice over IP Voice Codecs
In this work a new model for VoIP traffic generation is proposed. The innovation of this model consists in modeling the user behavior instead of the aggregated traffic. We have analyzed the call holding time and the time interval between calls to characterize the user behavior. In order to provide an accurate packet generation, the data nature was modeled by identifying the time for packet transmission and the time interval between packets. Those variables of the proposed model were characterized with probability distributions. The parameters of the distributions were obtained with the analysis of real data collected from two major Brazilian telecommunications carriers. A VoIP traffic simulator was implemented and its results were compared with real data to validate the model. The similarity between synthetic and real data indicates that our model works properly and can be used for VoIP networks modeling and workload generation.Download