Estudo da SER para Sistema Cooperativo de Dois Saltos com Modelo de Desvanecimento α − μ
Dimas Irion Alves, Natanael Rodrigues Gomes, Nelson Jorge Schuch, Renato Machado, Leonardo Zavareze da Costa, Claúdio Machado Paulo.

DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.43
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: Relay channel α - μ fading SER Cooperative systems.
This paper presents an evaluation of the symbol error rate (SER) for dual-hop cooperative systems using the Selective Decode and Forward (SDF) protocol, considering a α - μ fading channel model. Simulation results are presented for the different probability distributions, Rayleigh, Nakagami-m and Weibull, obtained by varying the parameters α and μ.
