Cálculo de interferências entre redes de comunicação por satélite: modelagem probabilística das posições geográficas e dos ganhos nos lóbulos laterais das antenas das estações terrenas
Alberth Tamo, Jose Mauro P. Fortes.
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2013.247
Evento: XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2013)
Keywords: Satellite systems Interference Earth station locations Antenna gains Probabilistic models
When several satellite communication systems share the same frequency band, each system operates under the aggregate interference generated by the others. In this interfering environment, interference calculation procedures in which worstcase situations and simplifying assumptions are considered are commonly used. Given that the geoestationary satellite orbit and the frequency spectrum are limited resources, it is important to consider alternatives that lead to a more precise interference evaluation. One of these alternatives is the use of a probabilistic methodology, in which some of the parameters involved are modeled as random variables. This work considers the specific case in which the earth station geografic locations and the sidelobe gains of their antennas are modeled as random. Analytical expressions for the probability distribution function of the carrier to aggregate interference ratio are determined and proposed methodology is compared to the usual deterministic procedureDownload