Codificação de Vídeo H.264/AVC em Tempo Real e Restrita por Energia
Tiago A. da Fonseca, Ricardo L. de Queiroz
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2012.37
Evento: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2012)
Keywords: H.264 predições escalabilidade de energia controle de taxa codificação de vídeo em tempo real.
Video communications have demanded higher computing power and, therefore, higher energy expenditure. To provide greener software-based video encoding solutions, we studied a method to optimize the prediction stage of H.264/AVC in the energy sense (E) and tested it with a software implementation. Besides looking for the coding options to the best RDperformance, the process is constrained to fit within a certain energy budget by an RDE optimization. We measure E as the real demanded electric energy for a given system. Our RDEoptimized framework allows for software-based real-time video compression constrained electrical consumption. We show results of energy-constrained compression and in some cases one can save as much as 35% of the energy with small impact on RD performance.Download