Iterative Change Detection Algorithm for Low-Frequency UWB SAR
Ricardo D. Molin Jr, Ana C. F. Fabrin, Pedro Sperotto, Dimas I. Alves, Fábio M. Bayer, Renato Machado, Mats I. Pettersson, Hans Hellsten, Patrik Dammert, Lars Ulander
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2016.49
Evento: XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2016)
This paper presents an iterative change detection algorithm for low frequency UWB synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. The proposed algorithm was compared in terms of false alarm rate (FAR) and probability of detection (PD) to the method presented by the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) [1]. The experimental analysis considered a set of 24 SAR images acquired in a military area of 6 km2 in northern Sweden. The numerical results have shown that the proposed algorithm has a superior performance when compared to the algorithm proposed in [1].Download