Hadamard Ratio Spectrum Sensing in Realistic CRN Channels
Lucas Claudino, Ricardo Kobayashi, Taufik Abrão
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2016.201
Evento: XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2016)
Keywords: Cognitive Radio Spectrum Sensing Hadamard Ratio Rayleigh fading Path loss
Cognitive radio networks (CRN) are constantly in need for new technologies able to improve their performance. Hence, study of new spectrum sensing (SS) techniques and devices is extremely important for a development of more accurate and sensible devices. The Hadamard ratio-based spectrum sensor (HrS) is a robust method able to accurately sense the presence of a wireless signal by applying a statistic test based on maximumlikelihood (ML) of collected signal data. A further performance analysis of HrS techniques under realistic MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output) fading channels is the contribution of this work. As a result, simulations aim to demonstrate its efficiency and how applicable would be a HrS procedure when inserted in real non-line-of-sight (NLOS) MIMO channel scenarios.Download