Energy consumption and execution time characterization for the SensorTag IoT platform
Tiago K. C. Shibata, Roberto M. de Azevedo, Bruno Albertini, Cíntia B. Margi
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2016.167
Evento: XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2016)
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks Cryptography Benchmarks.
In the context of the Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks are an important component, since they enable sensing, communication and sensor data fusion. Often times these devices are energy constrained and battery powered, and applications require security mechanisms to be used. In order to develop such applications, it is important to evaluate and understand the execution time and energy consumption of common sensing, communication and cryptography mechanisms. We evaluate such tasks on the Texas Instruments CC2650 SensorTag platform, a new device with good potential for IoT applications. Evaluation metrics are execution time and energy consumption.Download