Performance analysis for transmission in phantom systems in corporate environments
Sousa, B.P.T, Souza, D.D, Sales Junior, C.S, Costa, J.C.W.A., Freitas, M.M.M
DOI: 10.14209/sbrt.2016.154
Evento: XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBrT2016)
Keywords: Phantom mode aggregate rate vectoring EVM
The need for high bit rates in corporate systems environments is a crescent demand i n the world. It has been researched in hybrid networks new technologies using cooper - based system. The G.fast use s short cables to reach a ggregate rates up to 2 Gbps on band up to 212MHZ. In this paper we will analy z e the aggregate rate and the symbols dis tortions in short CAT 7 and CAT 5 e cables when phantom mode transmission is used . It will be seen the aggregate rate increases over 12 Gbps and the phantom mode does not affect the differential mode when vectoring is applied.Download